
Sunday, February 24, 2013

I am a Sign of the End of Time - prose from Singapore

The Sign of the End of Time
The man makes his way to the mosque,
And says, "The Key to my Heart is Morning Prayers at the Mosque..."

The traveler turns away from the world and the crowd
And says, "O' Lord, while I was all alone you kept me company,
But now that I am not alone, I seek your Divine Assurance still..."

The traveler makes his way out of the mosque,
And he hears a preacher man speak, "Now, let me tell you
About the Signs of the End of Time"
The man smiles hearing this and says to no one in particular,
"I am a Sign of the End of Time..."

Good morning, sunshine. I am back, arriving in Kuala Lumpur International Airport just a hair before 11pm. How have you been keeping in my absence? I trust all is well, insyaAllah...

The trip was good for me, work-wise as well as attending to matters that I have delayed to do in Singapore. The prose recorded above are the nuggets I have found trawling through the sleepiness of the soul, across the plain of reflection, alone and away from friends and family. And since this is Sunday and is a good day, I leave you, my beautiful spirit, with a lasting and difficult contemplation, but one worthy of your best effort - 

Patient Will
Patience is the unveiling of the Will,
All conquering over the arbitrary
And whimsical nature of
This world.

Have a lovely day, sunshine. Rest and relax...

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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