
Monday, February 11, 2013

The Dervish and the Secret of his Unknown God

The Dervish and his Unknown God
The hot-headed young man approached the dervish
Newly come to his village.

"Who is your god?" The young man asks,
To which the dervish answered,
"I am forbidden to answer that question,
And you are not authorised to ask me that question!"

"Who is your god?!" The young man vehemently repeats,
To which the dervish smiled and again replied,
"I am forbidden to answer that question,
And you are not authorised to ask me that question!"

Now, truly riled up and insulted, the young man draws a dagger
He was hiding in his cloak and threatens the dervish,
"Look here old man. By all that is holy, you will answer me now,
Who is the god that you worship!?"

The old man looked at the dagger, then gazed sadly at the young man,
"The God I worship, you do not know..."

"You are a mischievous unbeliever then..." and the young man slipped his dagger 
Into the dervish's chest, Cutting into the man's heart 
And mortally wounding him.
Fallen unto the hard rocky ground, the dervish soon died and carried to his grave
The secret of his unknown God.

Have a lovely day, sunshine. I hope you understand what is recorded here, and that mayhaps we are of one mind and one heart before the all-encompassing oneness of Allah Almighty (s.w.t.) as taught as Adab (courtly courtesies and perfect good manners) by His Beloved Muhammad (s.a.w.s.).

If you are interested, the right question to ask at this juncture, if necessary at all is "...What is your religion?" And easily the dervish would have answered, "Islam".

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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