
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No Better Love Than This, No Better Life Than This

No Better
I give one percent and You give ninety-nine percent,
I take one step and You make one leap,
I think of You and You are already on the way to me,
I think of writing to You and Your postman is already 
Waiting at my door, ready for the delivery...

You are ever ahead of me, encouraging me to You...
You are ever behind me, covering my back,
This love You have for me...
Is there any other place to be
That is better than this?

Nothing much to say today, sunshine. What is to be written here is already written.

May you find peace with your Lord. There is no better love or life than this.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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