
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Missing you, remembering you - under a sky rent asunder by the light of love

Missing you, Remember you
When I cry,
It is not me alone crying,
But the Earth, the Sky and the Moon,
Missing you.

When I remember you,
It is not me alone remembering,
But the Earth, the Sky and the Moon,
Remembering you.

When I collect beautiful memories,
It is in reality Truth that I collect,
And the most beautiful memory
That I possess is you.

Love, what be the reasons
For our separation?
Save that I might yearn for you.
And from a distance 
That I might remember you.

Knowing that
You would never forsake me.
No matter how far my sins or piety may take me. 

It is May Day today, a public holiday celebrating the contribution of workers the world over. I reckon that most workers are taking the opportunity to sleep in this morning. But for me my real passion continues - remembering and writing - Taking ink from the velvet blue sky, rent asunder by the light of love that touches the nib of my pen.

Have a lovely holiday, sunshine. And remember me in your prayers please, for the sake of Him that we adore above all else.  

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way 


  1. salam br. Taufiq: maashaAllah, another beautiful post...this is my fave place to read up on beauty and truth...Jazak'Allahu khairan! May Allah keep inspiring us to do good, spread beauty and hold to Truth, ameen!

  2. Salam Brother Taufiq, your lyrics of love are like an oasis of life in these difficult times. They refresh and help to keep that spark of hope alive within that the world will come to its senses, insha'allah!
    With love, Yafiah

  3. Salam Sister Asifa,

    I don't write as often as I used to, being a weary old sinner. But I still write regularly, because regularly Truth that is Beauty that is Allah s.w.t. is manifest in this wonderful world... which is transient but nonetheless a reflection of His Glorious love... masyaAllah!


  4. Salams Sister Yafiah,

    You are a spark yourself. Please continue YOUR writing and share a little of that sunshine you receive with the rest of us... God bless. And thanks for dropping in my tavern.

    We are open 24/7.

