
Thursday, June 6, 2013

THE VEIL OF WORDS - Love, in all its shapes, forms and disguises - blame Allah!

Last night at a Sufi Zawiya, Bukit Damansara.

The Veil of Words
I am passing through the Veil of Words,
Running from the Form of Meanings.

Until a moment is not a moment
But a journey to your understanding.

I am spying through the Veil of Words,
Looking for God in their hidden meanings,

Until no moment is left unexplored,
All Forms pried open to reveal their blessings.

I am hidden in the Veil of Words,
Strewn around my feet are shells of moments,

I was born, I was alive, once I was in Heaven
That Form of Joy in His Divine Presence,

You read me and see my Veil of Words
That I weave so carefully,
But believe me when I say
That my Words are
Not Me. 

O' parents, o' grandparents, uncles and aunties! Love carefully whom and what you love, for verily, the children are enthused by your enthusiasm, and made passionate by your passion, and made curious by your curiosity. Don't go into that wolves' den, do not peek over your neighbour's fence! Don't try tasting poison and don't flirt 
with the sorcery of envy!

My friend Moses brought his wandering tribe of six children to the Zawiya last night. I came alone Mikhail-less, but when he saw me stooping down to sit, he immediately came over and his family came with him. And I felt the warmth of friendship and kinship, though I felt a stranger in the Sufi Order.

If you see me alone, come and talk to me. Allah will bless your generosity!

Love, in all its shapes forms and disguises... I blame Allah for such things!

And I blame Allah for you, sunshine!

Oh Allah...

Have a lovely day.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way 

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