
Thursday, September 5, 2013

THE HAND OF FATE - take the hand and make your fate

Love Regardless
If love didn't wake you up this morning,
Let love put you to sleep in the evening,

If love did not begin your conversation,
Let love still be its conclusion,

And if you began everything with love,
In prayer, leisure, work or play,
Then by God, let love end them all the same way!

With love, through love, in the Name of Love,
That is God and no one else 
To whom you turn and pray!

God has created the world with love, and filled it with infinite means and causes by which love may be displayed. This is very, very good. But this also means that this world is filled with many, many trials and tribulations, doubts, errors and corruption that will test your love. As this sinner recorded almost 10 years ago in a prose about our Beloved God Almighty...

55. Love Test
I am He who heals all wounds
I am He who cherishes the afflicted
I am He whom you claim to love
What is love if it is not tested?

So don't worry if you start something with love, only for it falls over the side into unlove and regret. You are still alive after all, and it is still in your hands to determine the contents of your destiny.

Love Test 2
O' My servants...
In My hand is the fate of all things,
So take My hand and have no fear
To lose everything that you hold dear!

For am I not the one you must hold dearest...?
Above and beyond any other?

We need not face up to the conniving enemy, our ego and hubris all alone. We need not be looking for God by our own little knowledge and caprice. For in the Hand of God are all His Prophets and Saints... So wherever you will find these holy souls, verily you will find Him. 

We seek support always in this and all our undertaking, from the Seal of the Prophets himself, Muhammad Sayyidina Safiyullah (s.a.w.s.) (the Intimate of God).

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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