
Thursday, October 24, 2013


God Knows I have Tried
I let go of God,

And I found Him waiting
Patiently for me,

I let go of God
And I found Him looking
Untiringly for me,

Friends, enemies and kin
Must one day leave me,
But He hasn't,

Only He is the true constant,
And He has made Himself to me
To be the truest friend of all,
The most loyal of all companions,

And He has adorned Himself with
Attributes that both assures me
Of His mercy and inspires awe
With His power and unpredictability.

I try to let go of God, 
But He refuses to let go of me,
And I cannot understand why,

For only He truly knows 
How hard I have tried.

As a sinner, I have tried, again and again to exile myself from the Kingdom of God. But however far I have wandered off, however lost I have been, I cannot escape from His Kingdom of Mercy. Again and again, through circumstances, through friends, family and strangers, He would speak to the lost and the broken-hearted, "Have no fear, for I am here". In the harshest desert of our ignorance and forgetfulness, there is an oasis, a tributary bearing healing waters of compassion leading you back to God's Mercy Oceans.

So have no fear, sunshine. Wherever you may be and however you may be dressed for the world. Because for Allah (swt) you shall always be His creation and beloved servant. And for the Prophet Muhammad (saws), you shall always be under his care and guidance.  

For within the Robe of Muhammad, as affirmed by Sayyidina Ali (ra), exists all of Creation. And the Love Allah (swt) encompasses the Prophet (saws) completely.

If you are heart-broken, let your tears flow like ink across the Cosmos,
writing a plea for help in star-like brilliance... "O' Lord, your servant needs You!"

Have a lovely day, and God bless.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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