
Saturday, February 15, 2014


The Worlds
The Straight Path is a path
In both this world and the world hereafter,
And it is also the bridge
From this world to the world hereafter.

I am told that the siratulmustaqim (the straight path) is so thin, you cannot even see it with your naked eye. But you can sense it with your conscience. So I try not to ignore my conscience, lest I become blind(er). Pray for me, sunshine!

The Worlds
This world is known as the natural world,
And the world of the Prophets and Angels
May be known as the supernatural world,
And the world of the Devils and the Djinns
May be known as the subnatural world...

Lo, the regret for those
Who think that the world of the Devils and the Djinns
Is equal to or greater than this natural world!
Lo, greater the shame and loss for those
Who think that the world of the Devils and the Djinns
Is even comparable to the world of the Prophets and the Angels! 

There is but one God. And His vision over His countless worlds and creatures is perfect and manifest. May we always be reminded of this, wherever providence may bring us temporarily, on our way towards the only place worth chasing... the Divine Presence of Allah (swt) and His Most Beloved, Muhammad Habibullah (saws). Pray for me, sunshine!

The Utterly Incomparable
... And nothing created is comparable to Him,
The incomparable One, absolute in His Uniqueness,
Utterly Alone in His Praiseworthiness,
Inexplicably Different in His Difference to His Creation,
Unimaginably Breathtaking in His Beauty,
Completely Absolute beyond any created understanding
Of completeness and absoluteness...

Thus my prose collapses into ruinous words,
Turning songs and poems
Into sighs and moans for the Unknowable 
Who desires to be known!

Someone said to me, "Lo! How long have you been lost? Desiring something other than His desire? Desiring something other than Him?" Yes, that is me alright. So you, see. It is only natural that I ask for your prayers, sunshine.

Have a lovely Sabbath.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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