
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

THE OWNER OF GODLY GRACE - and the passing of a good servant

The Owner of the Godly Grace
I know there is a life after death,
Because our conversation has not ended,
Day in and day out, it is still the same,

I know there is love after death,
Because I can feel you looking to me,
Day in and day out, it is still the same,

I know there is a Prophethood after death,
Day in and day out, it is still the same,
This has been the Mawlana's constant refrain to me, 

I know there is a God after death,
For this true love cannot be contained in one short life,
Day in and day out, eternity rolls out,
And you are still the same to me,

Only that you look much, much better
And wherever you may be, it is a good place to be.

How I wish I will be there with you
When the Owner of Godly Grace
Sends His invitation,
To your side
Be my

On 7th of May 2014, as I was driving home from work, I received a WhatsApp message from my friend, Sheik Munim Bajrai. Although always praying for the best, I would lie if I said I did not anticipate the possibility. After all, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim was 92 years old, and has been in the ICU for ten days.

This would be a good place to explain who and what the Mawlana was and is. But where do I begin? For I am pretty sure I don't know him enough to say what ought to be said, nor describe what is often times, an indescribable feeling when you are drawn to his presence, whether physically or otherwise.

If you think I am confounded because to talk of the Mawlana is to enter some existentialist transcendental discourse about cosmic consciousness, then may I be permitted to correct you.

All that the Mawlana has ever showed to me and his many followers was love. Love, kindness, mercy and a guidance towards the best master of such love, kindness, mercy and guidance - that being the Seal of the Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). And through the miraculous love and obedience of the Prophet (saws), towards the Endless Oceans of Mercy of Allah (swt).

Mawlana's teaching has not ended. Nor his loving concern for his naughty, mischievous mureeds (students). Death, just like when we were born from the womb of our beloved mother, is only the beginning...

And in particular, I came from the womb of this woman, my late mother.
And just as it happens, today marks the 12th year of her passing.
al fatiha...
And thank God, it is!

wa min Allah at-taufiq

- Notrumi , 20th  May 2014.

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way


  1. when I die
    when my coffin
    is being taken out
    you must never think
    i am missing this world

    don't shed any tears
    don't lament or
    feel sorry
    i'm not falling
    into a monster's abyss

    when you see
    my corpse is being carried
    don't cry for my leaving
    i'm not leaving
    i'm arriving at eternal love

    when you leave me
    in the grave
    don't say goodbye
    remember a grave is
    only a curtain
    for the paradise behind

    you'll only see me
    descending into a grave
    now watch me rise
    how can there be an end
    when the sun sets or
    the moon goes down

    it looks like the end
    it seems like a sunset
    but in reality it is a dawn
    when the grave locks you up
    that is when your soul is freed

    have you ever seen
    a seed fallen to earth
    not rise with a new life
    why should you doubt the rise
    of a seed named human

    have you ever seen
    a bucket lowered into a well
    coming back empty
    why lament for a soul
    when it can come back
    like Joseph from the well

    when for the last time
    you close your mouth
    your words and soul
    will belong to the world of
    no place no time


    Al-fatihah and may Mawlana Syaikh Nazim rest in eternal peace, close to the Beloved.

    p/s can't write poems as good as you do, so borrow Rumi's. by any chance, can I, may I, borrow and share yours? of course with the necessary credits mentioned ;)

  2. And al-fatiha for your beautiful mom. May her soul rest in peace, placed amongst the righteous and may she attain jannah.

  3. Salams o' Dragonfly,

    It is a strange non-coincidence that here we are, talking about love, life and death when many, many years ago, I wrote of a dragonfly and a death of sorts.

    You may take what you desire of course. I cannot claim to own when I do not know where the ink came from nor who is holding the pen!

    God bless you, and thank you for dropping into my happy mourning.

