
Sunday, August 31, 2014

MERDEKA POEM 2014 - Shed Me No Tear.

Shed Me No Tear
Don't mourn my passing,
Don't shed a tear,
What is death but
The end of my dying
As I change from one
Dress for another 
Infinitely better.

Don't mourn my passing
Don't shed a tear,
What is death but
The end of my living
As I trade this world
And all its baubles
For His Love undeniable
And for His Mercy incomparable.

So don't mourn my passing, my dear
And shed not a tear,
For I am coming to the Truth unveiled...

That there is no beginning, no passing,
No ending of anything for me,
That there is no there, no here
No distance to deceive me.
So you see,,,
Finally, when I have shed my veil,
Rejoice for me
And shed me no tear.

Closure. Someone said something the other day. With the arrival of the deceased Malaysians who perished on board flight MH17, he observed kindly, "Perhaps the family will get some closure now."

Openings. When my mother died in 2002, and my brother on September 14th 2013, I wanted no closure. I wanted an opening. I do not want to be led into an enclosure of my memories of them. I wanted more, and unconsciously, I guess, I kept asking God for more.

I am fortunate that I am friends with those who feel the same way. After all, there is more than two billion Muslims who attend to their daily lives talking not only to God Almighty, but to His Beloved, Nabi Muhammad (saws) - a direct connection vouched by the Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself.

Twin Calamities. My country has faced twin calamities in the disappearance of MH370 and the downing of MH17 this year. But in such tragedies there are openings. For nothing happens without a reason, and it is my fervent hope that my couintrymen will show the world a response that is circumspect with understanding, wisdom and submission to His Will. 

We are a little minnow in God's ocean of nations. And in good and bad times, we turn to Him and seek the guidance of His Habibullah (saws) always. 

Our prayers this 57th Merdeka Day go to our founding fathers, both Muslims and non-Muslims alike, who have blessed our country with their courage and endurance, their love and compassion. 

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Notrumi Embun, 31st August 2014

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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