
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dave's Caravan of Dream

I have been following a Caravan of Dreams over the past couple of months. The blogger is Dave. And I shall have Dave himself say who and what he is...
I love people hands down. Everyone has a story to tell and I would like to hear them all. I really feel if you cannot connect with you fellow man than you are not worth your salt. It is with great humility that I approach each and every person. I feel that nothing is random and that each of our lives is wonderful evolving story. Each of us or rather each of our stories are part of a wonderful tapestry of creation. I am very simple person. I love helping others and service is what makes me happy. I would say that going out of my way to see people happy is a great fault a well as maybe hopefully a future means of attainment. So I blog to get my ideas out of my head, and also to share my journey with whoever reads this as a dervish. Living in one of the busiest cities on earth, one can still be lonely. So indulge me leave a message...
His website entitled (My)Caravan of Dreams(Click Here) is an oasis for the weary, full of wholesome goodness for any wanderer, and a gentle path with beautiful visions captured in words. Like most of his kind, he appears to be a Rumi fan (aren't you all). One of my most rewarding experiences in the cyberworld is to find lovers of humanity, and students of saints spreading a little angel dust and divine stars spread across the night sky of our soul... to share, to animate our lives and to remind us just how blessed we are, despite the most adept trickery of this world of forms. He will say that I am too fulsome in my praise. But you don't have to take my word for it. Find out for yourselves. His website is now in the blogroll of this website.
He writes a lot, so drop in on Dave and see where his caravan may take you...
Have a nice day, sunshine!


Pax Taufiqa.

Picture is from a Mr. Vincent Van Gogh.

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