
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cheerleading is Divine Work for the Divine One

Last week I proceeded with the development of Mikhail's understanding about God (God help him that he has me for his papa. Hehehe). And about God's best pal, which for the Muslims, is the Prophet Muhammad (whom we sometimes refer to here as Nabi Muhammad). In an earlier posting entitled "Even the mightiest of trees began life in a tiny little seed" I mentioned how Mika says that his Boss is Nabi Muhammad and God. Or perhaps more theologically correct, God and Nabi Muhammad.
Well, last week I mentioned to Mika that not only is God and Nabi Muhammad his Boss(es), they are also his cheerleader(s). After all, even if God is Lord over all creation, and the Numero Uno Master of the Universe(s), He is also your Most Loving, Most Kind and Most Compassionate. And in addition to that constellation of Mosts, God is also the Most Wise in Planning for Your Success, and, so long as you wish Him to be, Your Most Motivating Motivator, All-Cheering One, He Who possesses, beyond the highest love of even a father and mother, the belief that you can indeed be the best that you can be. He and His Prophet, They are at the sidelines of the pitch, cheering you on when you are running for the pass, cheering you on when you are down and injured. Cheering you on and saying Go! Go! Go! or perhaps also Medic! Medic! Medic!
I share this with you, o' Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans and Trekkies, because I can. Because beyond the label of 'God' and 'Muhammad' is the meaning in such words. And in my life, I have met sainted souls who call upon my Lord in different names and different ways. Yet I am proud and honoured by their friendship in worship. In fact, they humble me by their dedication and charity.
I am tired of the 'us and them'-ism of so-called religious people. Because, from where I am running in the field of life, I see the Lord and His Beloved Prophet cheering us on, and beside me I see people of many faiths and dispositions, helping me race the good race, and fight the good fight. On the stands and bleachers, I see Angels looking on, recording and taking notes. But they cannot understand us. But you can, sunshine. Because, really... are you not me? And am I not you?
Have a wonderful Friday. Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Pax Taufiqa.

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