
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Evil Exists, and why Believers like you need Sinners like me. *evil laughter*

Why is the propensity of evil permitted to exist? Because only through these soulful examinations can we show true devotion – devotions which would gleam with the inner iridescence of precious stones, to illuminate lives of other man and beings- Does man not reflect on how the most beautiful and valuable gemstones are bred through the gripping pressure of earth and time. How after eons of subjugation beneath the soil, from dark and blackened coal, diamonds are born? My kind readers, we are the coals, the weight of the mountains bearing upon them are the challenges we face in this life, and to become diamonds and adorn the hand of the Prophet (Pbuh) our most-sought end (should only we knew better), so that the Prophet(Pbuh) may say in His presence; O’ Lord Most Forbearing, look at my people, are they not beautiful in their devotion and gratitude to You? Are they not shining in their trusteeship of the trust You have settled upon them? Do their brows not shimmer in devout humility to You? O’ Lord, be pleased unto them, as I am unto them!
(….Perhaps another sad analogy that can be drawn as to why such small portion of creation constitute these precious stones)
Everything is known by its opposites. What is spoken love if not put to the test? Empty words of no consequences! Better to attempt to inscribe it on running water than to suggest that its verbal declaration suffices as proof. Bring me a man or woman who has never suffered a betrayal by another who professes love or friendship, then would I entertain such mortal fancies! Devotion, love, appreciation, empathy, forgiveness, understanding and all such high ideals only ennoble man by its adherence regardless. Virtue is only affirmed by a challenge to its pre-supposed eminence in the heart of its holder. We may discern such truths from the play of darkness and light; How do we shine if there is no darkness to shine through? How can we recognize light and say; “that is light!” if no shadow lies by its fringes and no outline marks its borders? How would you recognize a good man without knowing a bad one(or at least an idea of what constitutes a bad person) in comparison. The Maulana Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi speaks in a chapter entitled ‘Everything Is Known By Its Opposites’ thus; “Everyone is appointed to an important position in this life, and just as more aspects of light are absorbed into the consciousness by means of the awareness of darkness, so is the wisdom of the believer sharpened by the existence of wretched individuals”.
If all the heavens stayed bright and clear, and there is no night, who would appreciate the luminous and Blessed stars that dot the twilight sky? Herein lies beauty and many abject truths, so reflect o’ lovers of the Light and Love;
“Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a moon giving light.

And it is He Who made the night and the day to follow each other: for such as desire to be mindful or to show their gratitude
(Al-Furqan, 25:61-62) ”

The above is an extract from the uncompleted unpublished book (circa 2001) of mine entitled "THIS WORLD IS MY MOSQUE - A Walk Through a Twilight Forest under a Crescent Moon", which was earlier touched on in the posting entitled Mawlana Abul Kalam Azad Part 2 (Click Here). I was such a serious little fella back then. Or at least I used to write in such a vein. Now I appear to be writing in the vein of the grape vine, replacing water with wine, pomposity with levity. Ah, what a wretched sinnerI am! Ya Huu!
God bless you, sunshine. May your virtues shimmer like the full moon compared to the dusky grey template of my contradictions. Like the Maulana rightly pointed out, you know - You need sinners like this blogger to sharpen your true wisdom.
Pax Taufiqa
A NECESSARY POST SCRIPT (9 am, Saturday 5th Feb) - The idea of 'evil' has changed for me. 10 years on, it has become a far more subtle event, and it can hide in the many many folds of our mind. It has no sway in our hearts, I believe. And if evil is done, it is never because of the exhortations of our hearts, instead it is because we refuse to listen to our heart, obeying instead the whispering dictates of our ego and nafs - sometimes patently bad, but often disguised as the best of intentions... It is a delicate affair, my friends, being alive... may your inherent goodness guide you to a good and goodly life. And beware of the whispers!
5. Only Whispers
Evil, if you wish it a name,
Has no powers,
Only whispers.
(Poem from Chapter 26, 'Stay Clear' circa 2007)

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