
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Al-Rahman & Al-Rahim, Mawlana Abul Kalam Azad & the Beautiful You

'On earth are signs for men of firm belief,
and also in your own selves :
will ye not then notice them?'
(Q : 51 : 20-1)
WHO IS THE LORD HERE? There is nothing to hide the hidden praises of the Universe from our perception, save where we think ourselves masterly. For such praises are raised in the clouds above our heads, upon the earth that we walk and in our very own mind, body and soul. But if we think ourselves lordly, we only turn ourselves blind and deaf to the endless praise sprung for another Lord, the One and True Lord, God Most Most Compassionate (Al-Rahman) Most Merciful (Al-Rahim).
THE MEANING OF AL-RAHMAN AL-RAHIM. What does Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim mean anyway? There are countless exposition on these names and attributes of God, but I shall turn to the boon companion of Mahatma Gandi and India's first Minister of Education, Mawlana Abul Kalam Azad’s belief in his seminal book, ‘The Opening Chapter of the Quran’, where he wrote (in page 47)…
”The terms Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim are derived from Rahmat. The term Rahmat in Arabic is used to denote the type of tenderness which stimulates in one the urge to show kindness to others. Its connotation is wide enough to cover the qualities of love, compassion, benevolence and generosity…The two term Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim, though both are derived from the same root of Rahmat, denote two separate aspects of it. Al-Rahman means the being who possesses Rahmat ; and Al-Rahim means the being who not merely possesses Rahmat but gives perennial expression of it, and from whom everything in the universe derives goodness every moment…The purpose of the Quran in bringing to mind the aspects together is to emphasize the all-embracing character of the Rahmat of God…
'And my Rahmat encompasseth everything in the universe.' (Q : 7 :155)"
THE AMAZING MAN. I am quite enchanted with Mawlana Azad, but I fear he would find me a poor pathetic fool (if we are ever to meet in the future). I am not beneath being fond of his rugged good looks (see right), but before I ever saw any picture of him, it was his telling sincerity of his writing which bound my heart to his. How can I resist the good Mawlana, when in the name of God and the Prophet thus he inscribed in the pages of his book (in page 53)”…The very nature of this universe is constituted of beauty. Even as elements were created to give form to the universe, even so was it invested with the qualities of colour, light and shade, and of rhythm and melody in order to lend beauty to it…

’This is He who knoweth what is out of our knowledge an what is within it, the Mighty, the Merciful, who hath made everything which He hath created most perfect.’
(Q : 32 : 6-7)
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Disbelieve the form reflected in the mirror if it is ugly. How can you be ugly, pet? How can you be in a form that is less than most perfect. It is not I that says this, it is my Lord, your Lord, our Lord that is ever giving succor to our endless need for assurance. And when God affirms your beauty, who are we to deny? How blessed are we to have God as God!
Have a fine day, beautiful... for today, tomorrow and forever more.
Pax Taufiqa
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P/S. Earlier postings on or with reference to Mawlana Abul Kalam Azad -

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