
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Writer's Block, Dead Poets, a Nun and a the Association of Pointy-Hatted Dudes

WRITER'S BLOCK. Sometimes I just don't know what to write. This happens when the day has been particularly busy, and I had no chance for any thought or feeling to mature in the oak cask of my soul. Busy with work, busy with life generally. So my posting today may lack symmetry and a continuous theme. For that I beg your forgiveness, pet.
NUN ON THE RUN. My fellow blogger, Nun Tuck is back with a vengeance. I guess she too were suffering from some form of writer's block. I am glad to see her writing regularly now. I bumped into what I believe to be her happiest posting (Click Here). It is noteworthy that the posting begins with a Rumi prose. This is purely coincidental. Or is it? It is a lovely turn of event that many of my blogmates all share the same weakness for this dead old poet (including Ruzbihan Baqli, Hafiz and the other usual suspects). I guess we are all members of the Dead Poets Society...
THANKS. My friend Shamsul aka Atuk (also known as Moses in this blog) gave thanks to my brother indirectly through my earlier posting entitled A Little Note on my Brother's 47th Birthday. For you see, way back in 1988, my brother was already a pointy-hatted-turban-wearing curiousity in my house. With the mandatory walking stick and robe, my brother was in full regalia as a Sufi aspirant. Happily, my parents were tolerant of this wizard-like phantasm loitering about in our house. I just thought "Weird", and never gave it any further reflection. As my friend said, we were then too clueless to even know that we should seek 'something'. Well, fret not my friend, I replied. Even if we were not seeking 'something', we were still sought by 'something'. God bless God, the Giver of Gifts Undeserved.
W.I.P. I am planning to write something about Mawlana Abul Kalam Azad. Hopefully I can get the reading done soon.
Take care, sunshine.
Pax Taufiqa

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