
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Abducted and still missing

If you are living around my neighbourhood or just visiting, you would have come across this poster pasted all over the place since yesterday - At the traffic lights, along the shop frontages, at restaurants and retail shops, in the banks, at the police stations, offices, at the mosques, churches and temples. Everywhere.

20. Dzikr is not
The remembrance
Of God and Prophet by recitation,
But through listening.
Yea! Listening!

In the purring of kittens,
In the laughter of children.
In the crying of women.

Distraught mum and dad.
Yesterday, early Friday morning, a little 12-year old boy studying in Mont Kiara International School (MKIS) was abducted as he was about to enter the well-secured school compound. As an international school, the majority of its students are mostly kids from the large migrant diaspora in the wealthy suburbs of Mont Kiara. The school is perhaps 3 kilometres from my home, so the kidnapping made my heart skip a beat. Because if this could happen in MKIS, it can happen anywhere, including at my son's government public school, SKBD.

I will not say much about this incident. I worry in writing about something which I cannot imagine the outcome, although in the hearts of all people is a strong hope that this will turn out okay and young Nayati will be rescued or released unhurt.

Below are a pair of Youtube videos made by Nayati's schoolmates begging for everyone's help to find him. It is heart-wrenching.

We are all hoping and praying.

wa min Allah at-taufiq


Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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