
Monday, September 16, 2013

BURYING MY FRUSTRATION - Saiful Bahri (1964 - 2013) Part 1

In Jordan (May 2012), with a guitar on his lap, a cigarette in his mouth and
surrounded by friends. My brother knew how to enjoy himself!

Yesterday I buried my frustration,
I buried him beneath an overcast sky,
In the company of a congregation I buried him,
Buried him I did, with no need to ask why,

For I have been wondering of late,
How my brother will fare if I am not there,
So God has saved me such fate,
Taking my brother home instead, 
And sparing me 
The worry...

Frustrating. My brother, Saiful Bahri bin Abdul Khalid is a brother and such a bother to me. I guess I inherited the frustration from my dearly departed mother, who knew, instinctively, that Abang Chik (for that is how I call him) is the brightest, kindest and most creative of her three boys. But right up to her death in 2002, Abang Chik do not fulfill the conventional expectations rendered unto him, by the God-given gifts that was his blessing, and also responsibility. 

For my dear brother was not a conventional fellow at all. And neither did he try to be. Very early on in his life, he figured his path already. A path that would place him in a position to be teased (by the gentle-minded) and ridiculed (by the rude). He lacked worldly ambitions, you see. Despite all his talents and sense of empathy.

But now I know.

Though I did bury my frustrations yesterday, among a crowd of teary friends and family. By God... I swear to you now, that I also buried something else there too... my inspiration.

And I bet he was enjoying this too. Me bending over awkwardly to kiss his forehead.

He was Saiful Bahri. I call him Abang Chik. To his friends and Family, he was known as Poone.

Old Story. I once wrote about Abang Chik in May 2012, when he was away in Jordan (Click Here to My Brother, Horseback Archery and the Caliph of Islam). In the short posting you may understand why, despite appearances to the contrary, my brother was a singular force of all that is good and beautiful in my life.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way  


  1. innalillah. may Allah place him among the best of men.

  2. So sorry dear br. Taufiq, may Allah ease your heart and may Allah shower mercy upon your brother's soul and elevate his standing to be amongst the good and beloved to Him, ameen!
    With lots of duas for you, your sister asifa.

  3. My condolences to you and family. Sorry I couldn't attend the funeral.
    I've only met your brother a few times over the years but I know he's a gentleman. May he be happy wherever he is now. Allah bless his soul.

  4. Thank you for all your kind wishes and prayers. We are good, alhamdulillah! It was a good death and a good funeral, alhamdulillah! May my brother continue his own journey in the hereafter towards a better understanding of alhamdulillah!


