Monday, March 21, 2011
Drunk like a Cat - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 8

Auntie Nab, Rabia & Salman in Jerusalem - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 7
Auntie Nab. I have heard of her of course. A couple of years back after my mother passed away, I spent time with an old, old friend of my mother, Auntie Nab. She is an integral part of my life because she was the ‘matchmaker’ between my mom and dad. I guess you could say that without Auntie Nab’s timely intervention, I may have never been born.
Auntie Nab is a reader and admirer of Rabia. Women are often fond of Rabia because she always has something to say about man and our weaknesses – exposing our little petty vanities for the world to take lesson (and often giggle at). Like this story…
Hasan and Rabia. One day, Hasan al-Basri (ancient big-time saint and contemporary of Rabia) made a point to visit Rabia. But he did not take the bus, neither did he walk, ride a camel or any of the many mundane ways of transport available to him in those days. Hassan flew. Saints get to do this magical stuffs once in a while. Rabia was outdoor when Hassan came swooping down like an angel from heaven. And as he was descending, Rabia called unto him, saying, “O’ Hasan, even birds can fly!”
Jerusalem. Such is Rabia that she even has things (many, many, many things, in fact) to say to God Himself. I hope I shall be visiting her soon. Her maqam (tomb) is near Jerusalem (or maybe in Jerusalem?), and it is part of the itinerary of the tour for Tuesday. Am I excited? I am, but being it is Rabia herself, I am approaching her with deference (and not a little caution). It is always a good idea for men to be circumspect and careful when dealing with women, especially women saints.
Salman al-Farsi. On the same day we shall also be visiting the maqam of Salman al-Farsi, a great and beloved Companion of the Prophet. My hands trembled when I read the itinerary because I know him. He is a wonderful human being… a true Lover of the Beloved of God.
Have a lovely Monday, sunshine. Today, I am a traveler.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
It is hard to write when I am not here - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 6

When I think of the past, I visit it,
And when I return to the present
I leave a little of myself behind
To contemplate the past further.
When I think of the future, I visit it,
And when I return to the present
I leave a little of myself behind
To contemplate the future further.
When I contemplate Love, I visit Him,
But Love refuses to grant leave of me,
So I am ever in contemplation of Him,
And am in truth now
Absent from my past, present and future.
So who is typing all these words now?
Ooh… I don’t know!
Perhaps I am already in Jerusalem, Medina or Mecca? But the butterflies in my stomach, my edginess (sorry, Heche) and my bedroom floor littered with things still unpacked bear witness that I, Taufiq is still here in Malaysia. So that is good. It is hard to write when I am not here.
This is the 6th pre-Umrah posting. I hope you have enjoyed my wandering thoughts across the wilderness of my soul. But truthfully, when I contemplate the coming days and nights in the perfumed air of Arabia… my mind draws a blank. It is like love, and we are forever in desperation because of Love. Not in anticipation of bad things, but in nervous expectation of all that is Wonderful and Good - when God finally says to you, “Hullo there, pilgrim.” ...
2. Desperately in love
There are banners fluttering in the breeze,
Called by the whisper of a silent praise
Sung by someone for Muhammad.
And I sit beneath a blue sky,
And a rising light illuminating
A mosque of my heart.
I am desperately in love with my Lord,
I am desperately in love with His Love,
And I am desperately in love with you.
I am going to the three greatest mosques on the surface of the planet. But in whichever holy soil that I am on, I am sure I shall always see you there, sunshine. Because we are not divided by our faiths, not when all rivers of Love run its final course to the Mercy Ocean. And there, it is you that I see.

God bless you, pet.
Pax Taufiqa.
Dzikr & Salawat, Hot & Cold, Mecca & Medina, New York & North Dakota - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 5

In the circle of seekers that I sometimes trespass into, they often depict the dzikr (remembrance of God) as a form of 'hot' worship while the salawat (praise and salutations of peace to the Prophet) has a cooling effect on the aspirants of the path.

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Entrapment by Love is the Sweetest Servitude - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 4

I made way to a small park across the road, and there was an event. It appears that the local community organized a sepak takraw event. From the crowd, I can see that most of the participants were the local boys. They were all sitting and listening to the pre-game talk by a motivational speaker.
The speaker must be in his late 40s or early 50s. In the beginning he talked about Japan, but not about the tsunami, rather the people. He has previously volunteered in disaster areas like Acheh and Pakistan. He recounted how the aid volunteers sometimes had to flee from the mass of desperate refugees when they arrived at the camps bearing food and medical supplies. Hungry, battered and angry, people simply forget themselves and their everyday manners. Clamoring for aid, the situation often deteriorated into a free-for-all. No wonder the police and army had to be on hand to keep chaos at bay.
“How different it was for the Japanese”, he recounted. "The Japanese, instead of falling into a melee, queued orderly and when it is his turn, the man would tell the aid worker his name and current predicament, then asks, 'Am I entitled to the medicine?'" In the super-high stress conditions of post-tsunami, the traditional Japanese way of respect and politeness are, you must admit, truly praiseworthy.

Coming back to the main topic, the speaker continued to say that it is important for you to be disciplined. To wake up early and catch the morning sun. To work and play according to what is beneficial. “There is a good way to have fun. There is a good way to lepak (relax) or play sports.” Then he continued. “All these are not forbidden. But you must find a way how to do these things beneficially.”
The last thing which he touched on was one that is dear to me. He spoke of the Prophet. Obviously he left the best for last. He spoke how in the final moments of the Prophet’s passing, Muhammad Habibullah counseled his nation never to forget solat (prayers). Then the speaker said these words, “Upon the last instance when God’s Beloved breathed his last on earth, what did he utter, and what or whom was his last thoughts? Was it about his favourite camel? Was it about Aisha, his beautiful wife? Was it about his Mosque in Medina? Was it about his daughter, Fatima az-Zahra? Nooo… my friends! He was thinking about you, you and you! You, you and you! All of us here right up to the end of time. He said ‘umati, umati, umati’ (oh my people, my people, my people).”
Entrapment by Love is the sweetest servitude. I try to run from one congregation, and another ambushes me in the park. I have no where to run. Maybe I don't wanna run...
66. Love That Has No Reasons
Lock my heart in love for Thee
With love that has no reasons
So my mind can never sway me
With words all wise but treason.
Lock my heart in love for Thee
With love that has no seasons
So neither snow nor sun in spring
Will steal me from my Loving King.
Lock my heart in love for Thee
And chain me to Your Ocean
Throw away the prison key
And take away my freedom.
Lock my heart in love for Thee
And make my soul Your Garden
Plant in me Your Jasmine Tree
With roots that reach Your Ocean.
Lock my heart in love for Thee
With love to awe this heathen
Make AHAD my beating heart
And make Ahmad my passion.

Have a wonderful Sabbath, pet. This morning I said that I feel the Love. Now I do not see anything but Love. I know this vision shall not last forever, but I don’t care. I am happy.
Pax Taufiqa.
Footnote: The poem above has been posted earlier. But it just suits this posting, so I hope you don’t mind.
Plug in your iGod and listen

.Pax Taufiqa.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Mika-San & Papa-San - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 3

I spent sometime with Mika this morning, and a thought struck me. I will be gone for 2 weeks in my Umrah Pilgrimage and shan’t see him for awhile. I won’t be seeing him at breakfast, and he won’t be there when I wake up in the middle of the night. Suddenly I felt terribly melancholic. Suddenly I don’t mind his endless chatter and his dry wit…

PAPA-SAN & MIKA-SAN. I think about the Japanese (who doesn’t nowadays?) and how there may be hundreds or even thousands of pairs of Papas and Mikas who has lost either his Mika or his Papa in the recent tsunami and earthquake. They shan’t see each other again (in this world). What a terribly sorrow it must be. Really I cannot put into words the feeling of utter loss that they must be feeling right now. There is a big hole in the universe for such people, and the world shall never be the same again to them.
May God give us such courage and strength to face what fate has in store for us and our beloved. By Love, for Love and through Love, in each step of the way, in each breath of our life..
Pax Taufiqa.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Dragon Ego, the Donkey Ego and the Mouse Ego

I am flying high
Astride my ego,
A fearsome fiery dragon.
But I am twisting the reins now,
To send my ego and me careening,
Plummeting like a stone through
The breaking clouds
Falling into the rushing
And waiting sea.
In her deep blue waters,
Will the fire of my dragon
Be doused, and for me
To rise once again
From the waves,
Astride my ego,
But now tamed
And trained.
How easily I recorded the above verse. For the simple fact that Saints are sent to address mankind on the nature and threat of the human ego, the taming of your dragon is no easy feat. In the circle that I orbit, the dragon is also often referred as a donkey, and in one posting at least, I referred to the Hindu reflection of the human ego as a little itsy bitsy mousie.
Following an Angel to Medina - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 2

Walking in the
High grass,
I said hello,
But he just
Walked on past.
I followed him,
And he led me
To a house nearby,
And there I saw him peering
Through a window,
Listening intently
To the Prophet’s hymn,
Sung within.
As the music resonated,
The angel begin
To glimmer with love,
More glittering than the
Bright afternoon sun
Shining above.
Once the music finished,
He turned to leave and saw me,
“Where are you going now”,
I asked,
He looked at me for awhile,
Then he replied,
“To the Prophet I go,
To Medina, to bring a message
To the Messenger.”
“What message?”, I replied
With a smile, he answered
“That his nation have not forgotten him,
Not in thought, deeds, words or hymn.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Japanese Tsunami, Democratic Tsunami, Education & the Informed Voter

THE PLAN? We have been hearing almost nothing about the specific ideas and objectives of these pro-democracy movements. In fact, there appears to be no clear leadership. And that is worrying..
THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION. In whatever system you choose for your country, there must be some process or tradition by which people are educated. Because, lets face it, voting is a highly emotive choice and such decision-making must be made in context of long-term benefits for the country, a healthy knowledge of the origin and history of its people, a respect for the often conflicting interests of different communities, races and religion, and a broad if not specific understanding of technology and sciences, geo-politics and the economy. You are not born with this information already downloaded in your brain. This basic general knowledge must be learnt. And a liberal advance tradition of education is the key to make what I call the Informed Voter...
The devastating wave

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All things invented and made,
All things written and read,
All things of beautiful birth
Are in truth, ours.

RELIGION? Differing faiths doesn’t stand in the way of Love. In fact, differing faiths is the necessary precedence of Love. It is so easy to love what is familiar. True Love, the Brightest Star in the Firmament of Divine Reflection is to love what is unfamiliar and strange.
REMEMBER? But you are not a stranger to us. The colour of your skin maybe different, the mantra that you recite is unlike ours… But you are still familiar to us. We met once before. Before Time began we vowed our love for one another. Then God said, “Go find each other on earth!” So we were separated for awhile. But now you are here and we remember our ancient contract.
Who are we?

We are you.
Its true, you know…
Pax Taufiqa.
Torn and Worried in Medina - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 1

I cannot see you, love
If I come too close,
I am torn, you see.
Between gazing at your beauty,
And grazing in your intimacy,
Torn, between
The all that is you,
And the nothing
That is me.
Torn between
The Sun and His Moon,
Torn and rent asunder
Between the Sunnaturasul,
And the Sunnatullah.
O' Rasulullah,
O' Habibullah,
Have pity and love for me,
I am a garment cut to pieces,
A cloth torn into rags,
I am fit for no one
Anymore but you,
Just you,
Only you.
Come, Taufiq.
Come, for I am created
As a Mercy to the Worlds,
I am blessed with the Cure,
I am dressed with the Remedy,
And I do not discard what others
May consider ill-used and damaged,
For this is how my Lord has made me!
Are you not happy to know this?
Are you not pleased to know me?
Be patient then, o' Taufiq,
For do you not know,
That patience is
Always with me?

Monday, March 14, 2011
Golden Arches and a Red Chariot to Salvation


Yes, yes... I am coming!
Life is funny sometimes. It is even funnier if you let your imagination run wild.
Have a nice day, sunshine...
Pax Taufiqa
Unity of Religion, Moderation and Tolerance

If you choose moderation,
You must be moderate
To those who are not.
And not let your understanding
Lead you to become
What you oppose.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Throne of God, the Noble Hope & Divine Surprises

BAD SURPRISES. But I wish I could just for once, surprise God. With a happy one, mind you, and not one of those “I CAN’T believe that you just did that, Taufiq!” kinda surprise Oh no, when it comes to bad / stupid stuffs that I have done, I am an expert.
VERSE OF THE THRONE. It is not fair, I think. After all, God gets to surprise us ALL THE TIME. But I guess, we need him to be 24/7 in the know, otherwise, who can imagine what sort of mess we will get ourselves into. My friend commented to me that I should refer to the holy scriptures once in a while… okaaay. So this is the ayatul-kursi (Verse of the Throne) which kinda makes it plain and clear that God is Ever Vigilant and Ever in the Know…
[2.255] Allah (God)* is He besides Whom there is no god, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases, His knowledge (throne) extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the Great.
(*my insert)
I took some pictures of Mika yesterday. I think he is one of the most beautiful surprises that God has given me in my entire life. And the great thing is that it is a gift given to me each and every day when I see him.

Mikhail brought up the world map to show me exactly which countries he wants to conquer. As you can see he cannot make up his mind. But for some strange reason he admires Canada of all countries.
THE NOBLE HOPE. We all feel this way to our children. At the end of the day, what we want is to simply leave this world with the knowledge that we have somehow left it a better place for our children. I am sure we are all holding unto this Noble Hope… Guys like Dennis Piker of North Dakota who continues to be an inspiration safely held in my heart and memory. It was he who uttered the noble hope to me, some 5 years ago in Bismark, North Dakota.
Pax Taufiqa.
Footnote: I have been wanting to share this... I make fun, I Facebook-poke at angels and twist the beards of saints. I approach God and creation without proper levity. But the truth is... Although I am a lone pen in a billion upon billion of pens out there, I take what I write seriously. So... for you who read my almost-twice daily postings... Thank you. Thank you so very much for giving me a little space in the corner of your mind, a little hospitality in the saloon of your soul. May God reward you the kindness you have shown to this sinner and his ramblings.
God is the Anticipation of All that is Beautiful, Good and Wonderous!

O’ ye who have strayed and lost thyself!
God has plucked the Good in thee
And deposited it into the care of another.
If thee wishes to find it,
Look for a man in whose heart enters no winter.
With him shall thou recall
The gentler seasons and good
That is in us all.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Japanese Tsunami and the Apparent Arbitrariness of Life

But some tweets are also saying that the Tsunami is an Act of God.
ARBITRARY GOD? What are they suggesting when they tweet such words? Are they suggesting that God is arbitrary and He doesn’t care at all how many people die and suffer in every natural tragedy that has struck mankind? I cannot accept that.
GOD'S JUDGMENT? Or are they implying that for some reason, the people pummeled by the waves somehow deserves it? A holy judgment enforced by sea water? It is not God that is judging.. it is them. So that too I cannot accept.
I too find myself pondering over why some countries appear to be hit again and again by nature while climates in other countries are relatively docile.
I guess I cannot stop people from saying it is an act of God, since really nothing happens without the Will of God. I actually object the context in which it was said / tweeted. For me, in reference to God’s Will… only those actually involved in rescuing and consoling the victims can say such words…
It is also the Will of God that I am here.
Let me help you.
For the rest of mankind who are not directly involved in the emergency efforts - We should just pray to the Almighty for the succor and rescue of the Japanese people in this tsunami and hold back all other unnecessary comments.
May God save the Japanese people.
Pax Taufiqa.
Jesus, the Mahdi, Dajjal aka AntiChrist, 4 Golden Rules of Interpretation pre Armageddon and The Camel Saloon (Whew!)
THE DAJJAL / ANTICHRIST. Of their many tasks, (and I am sure they have a long list of Difficult Things To Do) the most publicized is their mission to battle and vanquish the Dajjal (the AntiChrist) and his armies.
THE FOUR GOLDEN RULES AT THE END OF TIMES. There are some specific details about Jesus, the Mahdi and the AntiChrist being expressed by both the wise and the ignorant – since I am neither, I shan’t say much – and I am sure you can find out for yourselves! I only beg you remember these 4 rules…
1. Things are always more complicated than it seems.
2. God always keeps the best secret for Himself until He Decides to spring the surprise on you.
3. If something smells like rat, then in all probability IT IS a rat. Even (or especially) in this anticipated Armageddon –End Times–Apocalyptic-Cosmic-Finale, things ought to be judge by the ultimate faith shared by all humanity, the religion of Love and your Conscience. Neither will betray you. So polish up your obedience to your Conscience, that you might actually listen to it when it REALLY matters.
4. Oh yes… perhaps the most important rule of it all – God loves you. And not just insignificant us, but every other man, woman and babe that dot this small chunk of space debris that we call Earth.

CAMEL SALOON AND THE SALOON OF INNER BEAUTY. Being a stranger (and sinner) in this parts, I was looking for Ms. Kitty’s establishment, but instead came across a Camel Saloon. A little bird perched on my pointy-hat turban and whispered… “Your poems are appalling. If you want to read REAL poetry, click to the Camel Saloon." As I am not the sort of sinner to ignore an imaginary bird, I have added the site to my blogroll. The worthy bartender at the Camel Saloon is Mr.Russel Streur. It is an active poetry blog site with really good poems for your consumption. Some whimsical, some serious but always heartfelt and real prose. As for me, I would call it The Saloon of Inner Beauty, simply because I believe that the word ‘camel’ comes from the Arabic word ‘jamal’ which simply means ‘beauty’ and can also mean 'the Inner Beauty of the Heart".
MY DEAR READERS, in this posting we (meaning the Mahdi, Jesus the Prince of Peace, a broken-back Camel and your humble sinner) are all congregating in the Saloon of Inner Beauty that you commonly call your heart. Is it still Happy Hour, Mr. Bartender?
Have a great Sabbath, mankind!
Pax Taufiqa.
IMPORTANT FOOTNOTE - (1) As far as I am aware, the Imam Mahdi has not authorised anyone to form his Army... so you guys (you know who you are) who are using his name for recruiting purposes for your political and often violent ends... I post to you one question - Who died and made YOU the Imam Mahdi? SO JUST DROP IT.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Everyone Deserves an Ariffin

After 8 years of selfless service, my partner and friend, Ariffin offered to me the job of ensuring that the office is pest-free, kept clean and tidy, all staff and cleaners are paid, the rental, utilities and other overheads are settled promptly. When Ariffin made clear his offer, I remember feeling sickly and tired the whole day. I knew that managing a firm would not be easy.
I joined the firm about 9 months after it was formed. While Ariffin always consults with me on all decisions concerning the firm, the main burden in managing the firm was shouldered by him. He is one of those natural leaders who had the ability to inspire. When he enters the office, I could just sense his presence, lighting up the atmosphere with his jokes and banter. But do not be fooled, for I have met few men as serious in discharging his responsibility as this dude. And above all, the responsibility of Love.
When my friend, Shahzad (former and founding partner) offered me a job in 2004, he asked that I speak with Ariffin, who he informed me was the managing partner of this new law firm. In the one hour meeting, we spent about 10 minutes talking about my work experience and possible role in the office. The following one hour was essentially a conversation about Love. Love distilled of all selfishness, Love that is not only inspirational, but perhaps more importantly, practical. Ariffin (who I must admit, loves to talk) made me comfortable from the word 'Go', and I left the meeting room with my job confirmed, but above all, with a sense of happiness that perhaps, after years of jumping jobs, I have found a home.
For my partner, it is not enough to talk about Love. In his head, the highest embodiment of Love is to discharge your responsibilities that arises naturally from Love. If you do not wish to be accountable for your actions, if you wish to live the life of a rolling stone with no care for anything or anyone, then it is not suitable for you to have any affair in the matters of Love. I believe I have posted this poem before, but just this once, I would like to share with you again this poem I wrote sometime in May 2009...
53. Jika
Jika kamu tidak ingin
Berjabat tangan
Dengan kesabaran,
Usahlah kamu katakan
Yang kamu mencintaiku,
Jika kamu tidak ingin
Berkenalan dengan
Kamu katakan,
Yang diri ini,
Kamu kasihi?
If you do not desire
To befriend patience,
Do not say unto me
That you love me.
If you do not wish
To make acquaintance
With responsibilities,
Then why, pray tell,
Do you say that,
It is I,
Whom you truly love?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Once Upon a Time in America

It is good to be lost sometimes,
For otherwise,
You would not be found.
OUR LORD, THE SAVIOR. But despite the best of efforts we often find ourselves lost. You made a mistake but this is okay says the Shaykh. For it is okay to be lost, to become the innocent babe in the woods once again, to be marooned in an unchartered island in the Bermuda Triangle. Because in this perfect storm, God and the Good will come to our rescue. Otherwise how will God be known as The Savior? Yes… it is good to be lost sometimes. If only to find that our God has not, and has never actually forgotten us.

SPIRITUAL TRAUMA CENTER. We also come to hurt because we get distracted desiring something other than the Lord’s pleasure. We want a new car, we want a new wife, we want to win the lottery, we want to be promoted… but even in our spiritual journey we can lose focus – we get mesmerized by magic-laser light shows, we are fooled by people’s praise, we forget our aim, and become fixated with the view along the sacred highway… we don’t see the Deer of God crossing the road and a moment later… *BANG!* The deer goes flying through your windshield and you are in a Saint John’s ambulance heading for the Spiritual Trauma Center. And there… lying on the operating table, suddenly a bright light appears and a voice asks you…”Dear boy, what have you done with yourself?”
“Master… is that You?” I replied.
“Well, I am not Colonel Sanders, old chum.” Then he continued, “You are hurt.”
“I know…*Ouch*… but it’s worth it.” I answered, wincing through the pain.
“Really? How so?”
I cannot but smile, “Because you came for me.”
Then the Master smiled an even wider grin, “Oh no, you silly-billy. It was I who called for you.”
Have a lovely day, sunshine. May we be lost and rescued by our Lord, the Savior.
Pax Taufiqa.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
God Makes a Point in a Big Way. Careful!
The Will of All Causes & Consequences, Muhammad the Mercy and a Guide to How to Read the Universe

THE COMPANIONS. The companions of the Prophet were not timid wee timorous men and women. They were strong in valour and passionate in their action and words. Some of the Companions are headstrong and determined in their views and attitudes. They are not the sort to brook compromise. But in the hands of Muhammad, they were devoted followers and lovers of the Prophet. They were called The Best of my Nation by the Prophet, yet they were mortals, just like you and I.
HOW TO READ / HEAR A HADIS. After the blessed passing of the Prophet at the age of 62, the Companions still remember and seek succor and guidance in his blessed sayings. Many remember them, while others would refer to the written Hadis (and there were many Recorders of the Hadis). For us who have not had the joy to hear the words directly from the pearly lips of the Most Beloved, alas, we fall within the second category. A friend of a friend of a murid (student) of a Shaykh (Master), shared with me what the Shaykh said as to the proper approach to reading a saying of the Prophet.
1. Take Wuduq (ablution for prayers)
2. Approach a Book of the Hadis as if you are entering the Prophet’s Presence.
3. Read the words as if you are hearing it directly from the Prophet, with him seating or standing in front of you, gazing into your eyes with The Compassion of the Prophet.
This approach is wholly sensible. Because really, you don’t want to be presumptuous, speaking in your head, “Yes, yes, I understand already!” before the Prophet has completed what he desires to say to you.
HOW TO READ / HEAR THE UNIVERSE. This was confided to me by another friend of a friend of a… oh you get it by now. The gentleman says that what is appropriate in understanding the Hadis of the Prophet is appropriate to understanding the sayings of God. He did not mean the Holy Quran as a mere book, but the Holy Quran as the Book of the Universe, and thus, the entire world and your entire life becomes part of this understanding. So…
1. Take Wuduq (again same-same)
2. Approach this world and your life as if you are entering the Divine Presence. (So sweetot)
3. Read and hear events, circumstances and actions of the world and its inhabitants as if you are hearing / reading them directly from The Will of all Cause and Consequences, which is of course, God Himself.
And in that context, let us not act presumptuous to our Lord, interjecting in His conversation and communion with us with “Yea, yea, I get it already! You had me at hello!’ before God has finished what He wants to share with us - which would also include our intercourse with our brothers and sisters, friends and enemies. For direct interaction with the creation of the Creator, is an indirect interaction with the Creator.
PATIENCE. So you see, if we have no patience with our fellow human beings… we are not being patient with God. Let us be patient and Let God have His Say from the moment we are born until the instance of our death… and on and on.
PAPA IS JUST LIKE GRANDPA. It is jest surely that I am writing this. I am very impatient as even my best of friends would tell you. Mikhail made an observation just last night after witnessing me explode because of some innocuous irritation , “Papa, you are just like Tok Wan (his grandfather), but only grumpier and angrier.” Sigh, yes Mika. I know.

Between God Almighty, the Prophet and Prophets, the Saints and Angels, you would think that the odds are greatly in my favour. But despite such advantages, I appear to have this amazing talent to always get into trouble. So, I still need you, sunshine… Don’t forget me and keep me in your prayers always.
Pax Taufiqa.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Objectivity? What Objectivity? Part 4
Modern man thinks
He is thinking,
Sadly, he is only drifting.
He could have chosen safety,
And stayed in the harbour,
But he is disdainful of his elders,
And seeks a reputation
For wisdom and adventure.
He has no sail or anchor,
He is without a rudder,
Really, he has no ship whatsoever,
For such things are inventions
Of another era, and in his pride
He thinks he can do better.
Wise is he who
Takes into account
Everyone, whether
They are present
Or absent.
Nothing is regretted,
No words misheard.
All things occurring as fated.